Street Prostituting caught on Hidden Cam with Security Officer
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Well hello there youngins, have you stumbled upon this here video called "Street Prostituting caught on Hidden Cam with Security Officer"? Hoo-wee, sounds like some trouble brewin'. Now, let me tell ya, back in my day we didn't have none of these fancy cameras spyin' on folks on the street. But I reckon this gol dang security officer caught himself some folks misbehavin'!Now let me warn ya, this video ain't for the faint of heart. I heard tell those folks on there were gettin' downright explicit with some suckin' and blowin' and callin' each other sluts and bitches. Sounds downright disrespectful to me! And they had the gall to call themselves amateurs and homemades. Why, I never!But that ain't even the worst of it, they even threw in some fetish stuff with this here vigilansex business and goin' at it like a buncha whores. And they call themselves puta and venezolana, why can't they just speak good ol' fashioned English?And as for that security officer, whoo boy, talk about sittin' on a gold mine! He better be extra vigilant to keep those streets clean of that kind of display. Mean to exhibit that kind of behavior in public, er, er, excuse me, in front of that spy camera there, high and hidden. Shame on them!Well I oughta turn off this video and go wash my eyes out with soap, I tell ya what. In my day we didn't need porn neither, we just had our imaginations. Y'all have a good one now, and remember to keep it clean on them streets!